jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2008

place to hide

If you\'re lonely anytime
You can talk to me
When you have trouble on your mind
I will always be
Here to shield you from it all
The best way that I can
Anything you want from me

Call me day
Call me night
Call me anytime you need someone to hold you
The tears in your eyes
Will be gone, they will dry
And if you still find that you can\'t face the world outside
Let me be your place to hide

I could always lie to you
If that\'s what you need
Tell you life is never cruel
And people never leave
But love is not always kind
And hearts break all the time
And even if I\'m far from you

Call me day
Call me night
Call me anytime you need someone to hold you
The tears in your eyes
Will be gone, they will dry
And if you still find that you can\'t face the world outside
Let me be your place to hide

Little corner of the world is what I give to you
Somewhere you can find some peace and understanding
Life can be so sweet

Call me day
Call me night
Call me anytime you need someone to hold you
The tears in your eyes
Will be gone, they will dry
And if you still find that you can\'t face the world outside
Let me be your place to hide

Let me be your place to hide

No somos conscientes muchas veces de las consecuencias de nuestros actos. Todo nos parece bien, todo va bien , nos gusta, pero no es asi.......llega un momento en que el sistema te lanza una señal de alarma.......pero no reaccionamos ,para luego abrirse una herida que se cierra, se cura..........al cabo del tiempo supura y empeora y es el momemto de reaccionar, que hacer? No lo se! no quiero provocar mas heridas......

martes, 26 de agosto de 2008